Hanging a Frame on a Wall

Hanging a Frame on a Wall

a framed photo leaning on wall

How to hang photos? It may seem like a simple questions but if you’re anything like me, I have been guilty of the crooked frame or two or worse, a few holes too many, when hanging pictures.

In my opinion, there is nothing that changes the feel of a room as easily as hanging a photograph. Especially if that photograph makes you smile! Here are a few quick tips on how to hang a framed print or photo quickly and easily.

What height do I hang my photograph?

A good rule of thumb is to hang your picture at eye level while standing. If you are unsure how it will look, use some blu-tac to stick up some newspaper on the wall as a test. Cut the newspaper to the size of your frame and step back and take a look. Once you like what you see, then you have found your spot! To ensure your photograph looks as vibrant tomorrow as it does today, avoid direct sunlight or areas that experience heat. This is a sure way to protect your picture from fading, warping or bubbling under the frame.

What are some helpful tools to make sure my photo looks perfect on my wall?

A stud finder, the correct hooks, hammer, drill, measuring tape, pencil, eraser and a level can be handy.

What hooks should I use?

This will depend on the type of wall you are hanging your photo on and also the weight of your photo frame. Here are a few options…

Hollow wall anchors like this one from Bunnings found here

For light, glassless frames, you can use adhesive hooks. WARNING… you must read the instructions and leave the hook on the wall without hanging for numerous hours. 

For brick walls, you may need to drill a hole with a masonry bit and then hammer in a plastic wall plug.

For timber, a nail, screw or general picture hook is fine.

How to find a stud

If you’re hanging your photo on a plaster or a timber wall, your best idea is to find a stud. To do this, you can either use your hand to knock on the wall until you hear a change of sound indicating a stud, or to be more precise, use a stud finder. Even better, purchase a stud finder that also warns you if there are any electrical wires behind the wall.

Hanging your photo

Hold your frame up on the wall where you would like it to sit and use a pencil to mark along the top. Now take the photo down and measure from the top of the frame, down to where your picture wire is on the back of your frame. Now measure this on the wall also finding the centre of where you would like to hang. Hammer or drill in your piece and erase the pencil markings. Now you’re ready to hang your picture. If you want it perfectly straight, place your level on the frame until it’s straight.  Now have a beautiful picture to transform your room.

Visit: Bunnings Noosa for tools

Visit: Deck the Walls Sunshine Coast for picture framing.

Book your photos here to make a start!